PROGRESS REPORT NO. 17 Wednesday Sept 21st

On anchor, sheltering from a gale.

As we had feared-slow going.

Jaunting through the fjords, sun on flesh-this is not. The wind hasn't fallen, nor the belting rain, for more than hours at a time, all from the south west. In between the gales, we make 50 or 70 miles only, before having to again shelter.

On one shelter stop we were lucky, the town of Rørvik. It could have been another wind swept anchorage. Instead we were in a snug harbour.

Lowlights were the continuing frustration of gale after gale. Highlights were:

  • Nordveg Museum, with its audiovisual of coastal life from 10,000 years ago down to the fishing and fish farming of today.
  • Lutheran Choir Service last Sunday, not a big crowd scene, but friendly.
  • The Play, A day in Rørvik in 1902. Actors and audience moving through original buildings and down to sea shore.
  • Not least, the Baristen, a McDowell-istic café-bar, scene of endless coffee drinking and internet connectivity by day, our music and expensive beer by night.
  • Hospitality. Dinner on the Dutch boat 'BØR' courtesy of Hans De Konig & Dianne and reindeer stew in the home of Berit and Per Ravo.

I write this at six in the morning, on anchor watch, as a grey day dawns and the wind lifts foam from the sea outside. This gale is forecast to drop in the morning.

The BØR under sail

A scene from the play

Rørvick Docks

Rørvick Cultural Centre